Road Freight Transport

Road Freight Transport

Road transport is a classic method of freight carriage and remains a versatile option today, well-suited to many needs. At Reliable 24*7 Logistics we offer all kinds of national and international road transport.

Among the advantages of road transport are its speed for short and medium distances, its flexibility and door-to-door service. It doesn’t take long to get the logistics of road transport underway as they can be easily adapted to the requirements of a specific route and cargo while still offering a very competitive price.

At Reliable 24*7 Logistics we transport complete cargoes of any kind of freight, with savings in both time and costs. Thanks to our own truck fleet and a solid network of associates, we can offer you an efficient and streamlined road freight transport service.

Road Transport of Bulk Cargo

Bulk cargo is freight transported in large quantities without packing or packaging, where the means of transport itself acts as the container. Both solid and liquid bulk freight require especially careful stowage to reduce cargo loss. At Reliable 24*7 Logistics we know how to deal with the road transport of bulk cargo, as well as the machinery and instruments required for its handling, particularly when the freight in question is dangerous, such as fuel or chemicals.

Heavy Goods Transport

If you have a heavy load to ship, it may require equipment such as cranes or hoisting platforms for its transportation. Reliable 24*7 Logistics is experienced in handling the road transport of heavy goods including machinery, industrial and construction materials. We can provide specially approved vehicles for this kind of freight, as well as skilled workers to carry out the operation, guaranteeing that your heavy load will arrive safely at its destination within the agreed deadline.

Dry Goods Road Transport

When we refer to dry or general road freight, we mean goods that need no special transport equipment or conditions. This encompasses most of the goods transported by road. This kind of cargo is transported in packages or on pallets. We can subdivide the dry load into fractions, referring to loose goods when they have their own packaging, such as parcels, sacks or boxes; and to units, when it is made up of articles grouped together on pallets or in containers.


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