Ocean Freight Transport

Ocean Freight Transport

Ocean transport is the best alternative for transporting large amounts of freight at competitive prices. At Reliable 24*7 Logistics we provide a service of ocean freight in containers adapted to the needs of your shipment. We work with a variety of shipping companies and charter all or part of ships for transporting any type of material, especially ferrous and ferro alloy products.

Good Types In Ocean Freight Transport

Dry goods: in Dry Van (standard size) or High Cube containers (which can take a bigger load at the same cost).

Reefer Freight: refrigerated or frozen goods transported in RH or Reefer containers.

IMO Freight: dangerous goods which can be transported in both Dry Van and High Cube containers.

International Ocean Freight Transport

Our extensive experience in the sector enables us to offer the best all-round service for the international handling and transport of ocean freight. 90% of all consignments in the world are shipped by sea, which is why we at Reliable 24*7 Logistics are fully committed to global maritime logistics.

We are experienced in handling the formalities and documentation required for your imports and exports to ensure that they circulate freely and arrive at their destination. We work with all international ports to guarantee that your load will safely reach any part of the world by sea, with neither delays nor mishaps.

Ocean Transport Of Dangerous Goods

Ships and containers must meet a series of regulations and standards in order to minimise risks with respect to the goods transported, as well as to human lives and the environment.

The International Maritime Organisation is responsible for classifying dangerous goods, which is why this kind of freight is referred to in shipping terms as IMO goods. Here we refer to goods such as explosives, gases, flammable, toxic, corrosive and radioactive materials. While the strict controls in place for the transportation of these goods may seem excessive, remember that some of them very regularly travel by sea, and that among them they include oil tankers.


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